Instilling a sense of Patriotism in Children
The present generation badly lacks the sense of patriotism and religious pride. If this situation continues, our nation will be full of future citizens that don’t feel belonged to their country.
Posted on Jan-18-2012
Students Need Help from their Parents for Better Performance
“If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you would have succeeded as a parent and would have also given your children the greatest of all blessings.”
Posted on Jan-13-2012
Steps to Nurture Etiquettes among Children
The initial years of a child’s life is the best time to nurture different traits in a child. In this age their minds are flexible to adapt to anything new. Kids are always enthusiastic about the new things that they come across and thus try to explore the world by their own.
Posted on Jan-12-2012
The Importance of Family Involvement in Education
Our family plays a great role in every aspect of our life. Starting from our personal to professional life, the involvement of the family gives us the strength to fight and survive any situation. Our academic success depends largely upon the family environment.
Posted on Jan-11-2012
Teaching Kids how to Deal with Obstacles in Life
Once there was a king in a kingdom. The king was very noble man and always used to praise people who were hard working. One day the king decided to test the level of confidence and will power of his people.
Posted on Jan-10-2012
Holiday Activities for the School Children
“May all your days be warm and bright, And your nights enhanced by holiday light”. These kinds of quotes or short poems are often seen in the notice boards of the schools before the start of summer or winter holidays.
Posted on Jan-09-2012
How to Help our Child to Deal with Fear
Fear is one of the most common feelings that every one of us come across at least once in our life. Children face this feeling most often as they do not develop a proper logical thinking in this age.
Posted on Jan-07-2012
Teachers Attention Works as a Confidence Booster
“Attention” is what that every human being runs after. Many people may refuse to accept it but it is true that, everybody seeks attention from somebody.
Posted on Jan-07-2012
Puppetry: A Great Way to Teach Kids Different Skills
Our past always has something special to offer us. When we turn around the pages of the past, we often come across different decisions taken that have made our present life easier.
Posted on Jan-07-2012
Organized Sports: Teaching Life Skills to Children
Physical fitness is the key to a prosperous life as it is builds up a sound and creative mind. Much of our physical fitness and strength depends upon the exercises that we do, apart from the food that we eat. There needs to be a proper balance between our food habits and our physical work.
Posted on Jan-06-2012
Smart Classes: Modernized Method of Education
Technology benefitted us in every aspect of our life right form communication to education. In ancient days students were taught in a gurukul where they were taught by the gurus.
Posted on Jan-05-2012
The Variety of Languages Taught in School
Language is the medium through which people make each another understand their thoughts. Therefore, language is one of the vital necessities of life to communicate.
Posted on Jan-04-2012
The Importance of Homework in a Kid’s Education
Monday to Friday, homework hours: 2 hours. Sunday: 4 hours. The homework schedule gave me nightmares all through my school life. Irritating used to be the word when my teachers used to start giving homework, one after another.
Posted on Jan-03-2012
The Importance of Freedom for Kids
Once there was a colorless tiger in a zoo. The tiger was shaded only in white, black and gray like the black and white movies.
Posted on Jan-02-2012
Exploitation of the Children by the Terrorist
Terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s as old as the recorded history. Since time immemorial, human beings are inclined towards shoeing their power to others. It’s a common human trait that everyone wants to suppress the other.
Posted on Jan-02-2012
The Value of Storytelling to the Kids
Storytelling is universal and it’s been continued from many decades. It is experienced in all cultures as an effective communication tool. It plays a prime role in children’s learning and it helps them to organize daily experiences.
Posted on Dec-30-2011
How to Develop a Strong Bond with Adopted Child
Kids are the most beautiful gifts of the almighty. A man or woman feels complete after becoming parent. Kids bring smile to the face of the family members and develop an infinite bond with the grandparents.
Posted on Dec-30-2011
School Laboratory: A Place to Explore the World
“A practical experience is more appealing than the bookish knowledge”. It is a known fact to all that practical experience stays with us throughout our life span. In a nut shell, practical experience actually counters the knowledge that we get from the books.
Posted on Dec-29-2011
Things to Consider before Choosing a School
“When you have brought up kids, there are memories you store directly in your tear ducts” ~Robert Brault. Parenting is a divine feeling which can be felt only by the person who is the father or mother of a child.
Posted on Dec-28-2011
Who can be the Best Teacher of a Child than a Mother?
Celebrating Teachers’ Day is not a new concept. In fact, an illiterate person of the country is also aware of the great day of Teachers’ day.
Posted on Dec-27-2011
Where Nursery Rhymes have come from?
Every one of us comes across many rhymes in the times of our Nursery education. “Bah, Bah a black sheep” is one of the most popular rhymes that every literate person has listened to.
Posted on Dec-27-2011
Importance of Team Spirit for kids
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”. We human beings are blessed with a very magnificent trait that we can’t live an isolated life.
Posted on Dec-26-2011
Refrain Kids From Using Plastic Materials
Many families make major and minor adjustments to their lifestyles to create greener and eco-friendly environment. In present era, people are more inclined towards modern lifestyle and they prefer to do the things in which minimum effort is required.
Posted on Dec-26-2011